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Tomasz Janusz Szeremeta

#8 264/365
946 streak
Day 1,537
#3185 | miasto
Day 1,536
#3184 | MDK
Day 1,535
#3183 | poodle
Day 1,534
#3182 | morning energy
Day 1,533
#3181 | parking
Day 1,532
#3180 | RGB
Day 1,531
#3179 | Złoty Sen
Day 1,530
#3178 | stonoga
Day 1,529
#3177 | wschód słońca
Day 1,528
#3176 | spacer
Day 1,527
#3175 | Miejski Dom Kultury
Day 1,526
#3174 | sandpit
Day 1,525
#3173 | sport
Day 1,524
#3172 | fall
Day 1,523
#3171 | fall
Day 1,522
#3170 | say cheese!
Day 1,521
#3169 | all day long
Day 1,520
#3168 | tancerz
Day 1,519
#3167 | podwodny
Day 1,518
#3166 | dzieciństwo
Day 1,517
#3165 | under the bridge
Day 1,516
#3164 | the office
Day 1,515
#3163 | Kacper
Day 1,514
#3162 | )O(