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I love photography, learning, people, painting, music, mountains and ... swiss chocolate! Tookapic is a beautiful place to be myself and progress in photography!
#5 122/365
3 streak
Day 1,393
Panetone Loison
chestnut taste...😋 #theme-sweet
Day 1,400
very cold today... and no time to make photos, and what happened? I formatted my memory card without saving the photos of yesterday! ... pfft......
Day 1,404
with a new haircut!
Day 1,416
Complementary colors
I used my last painting as a background, inspired by an idea of @hagaw, whose daughter does beautiful paintings! https://tookapic...
Day 1,424
1936... An old photo of my dear mum 💖 So pretty young girl and so great heart till the end of her life! I miss you... #theme-womanhood
Day 1,447
Flower dream
Do you dream in colors or B&W?
Day 1,459
Complementary colors
Very happy the the weekly theme. So interesting to work on colors! Love love love! #theme-selective-color
Day 1,096
My son is norkling again... during two hours! I wonder what he can see in the "Gouille". Today I tried his mask and snorkle, and what a surprise...
Day 1,122
Special light...
Day 1,130
Temple of Nyon, #theme-art
Day 1,138
Christmas is getting ready ...
Day 1,142
In my Peugeot pepper
Kampot pepper... #theme-logos
Day 1,167
"All life begins and ends with God."
Here is a mosaic fresco by Hans Erni. It is located in the basement of the Collège de l'Abbaye de St-Maurice. 4.5...
Day 1,228
My pandemic oven...
Ready for the spay ?! It's time to clean my oven! I was told that this is a self-cleaning oven, but I have doubts ... #my-pandemic...
Day 1,255
Clematis 4
I continue the serie. Here I made some post adjustments to obtain something brighter and softer than the the reality. The grain is not very...
Day 1,268
My mouse
I absolutely love! and here it is these little things like the relief that makes me appreciate the technology, these small class details #the...
Day 1,417
Late picture... no idea! #theme-symmetry
Day 1,107
Like a drone...
A water spider. I go on with my serie "water surface"...
Day 1,110
Day 1,118
Le Grand Muveran
Taken with my iPhone and Lightroom app
Day 1,119
A flower
Walking by the lake in Montreux, there is always so beautiful flowers ... I love this walk! Not many people today. It was perfect time!
Day 1,127
Automn leaves
Walking in the forest, I found these leaves for the weekly theme. #theme-fall
Day 1,131
Cookie monster
or the terror of gourmands... #theme-halloween-colors
Day 1,133
First fire
of the season. Do you see the gecko escaping on the top?!