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Architect, amateur photographer, addicted to coffee, buildings, cities, streets. Living in Gaia, Portugal. Founder of wn studio.
#2 2/365
3 streak
Day 156
minimal sky
still looking up, sky weekly theme is cool! #nature #saturday #evening #landscape #blue #sky #cloud #minimal #blue-sky #june #theme-sky
Day 157
still going with the sky and minimal, this time with a super-super crop. #outdoors #afternoon #sunday #blue #sky #day #architecture #chimney #...
Day 158
light vs dark
love streets like this, all the shadow play. And a nice bike! #afternoon #monday #street #city #shadows #sky #transport #architecture #e...
Day 159
work in progress
another shot of a house construction in the North of Portugal #outdoors #nature #afternoon #work #mountains #landscape #tuesday #sky...
Day 160
messing around with simple composition and leading lines on the background #outdoors #nature #evening #landscape #black-and-white #wednesday #tre...
Day 161
rebar grid
another shot while at work inspection #thursday #afternoon #city #steel #architecture #building #texture #construction #modern #june #urban...
Day 162
tree shadow
again back with simple compositions, this time of tree shadows #friday #afternoon #landscape #black-and-white #tree #shadow #texture #mini...
Day 164
night light
a early morning shot of a tree with some spot lights... #nature #night #landscape #sunday #black-and-white #light #tree #sky #cloud #june...
Day 165
back to minimal?
a simple shot of pavement, trying different directions but failed slightly with the alignment. #outdoors #afternoon #monday #street #...
Day 166
mini droplets
a closer shot now that rain is back #nature #evening #tuesday #grass #close #contrast #season #vegetation #june #rain-droplets
Day 167
d luis bridge
again looking up on a rainy day. #afternoon #black-and-white #wednesday #sky #steel #metal #architecture #building #bridge #industry #lo...
Day 168
just pigeons
walking down the stairs of the office and noticed this pair, just chillin' #thursday #afternoon #black-and-white #people #outside #pigeon...
Day 169
peaking through
weird shot I had in my mind, I have multiple with the background in focus, but I think this one felt the best, half blurry and with so...
Day 170
old door
from a future construction site. rip. #morning #saturday #old #vintage #wood #house #window #lamp #architecture #door #housing #june #theme-d...
Day 171
looking down
simple composition looking down #afternoon #sunday #tree #minimal #faded #looking-down #composition #vegetation #june
Day 172
first day of the summer, first timelapse
So, time to try this tiki thing on a timelapse #camera #evening #monday #sky #sony #sunset #time-lapse #june
Day 173
foggy horizon
another early morning rise and opportunity to take photos of the beach before everyone rolled in. #morning #nature #landscape #tuesday #...
Day 174
archeology summer camp
another work related shot, nice camp. #afternoon #wednesday #transport #architecture #construction #europe #archeology #june #u...
Day 175
small fireworks of São João in Porto #thursday #nature #night #simple #minimal #fireworks #vegetation #firework #june
Day 176
tall and sunny
another looking up shot, sun is back! #friday #afternoon #city #sun #window #architecture #building #tower #blackandwhite #skyscraper #...
Day 177
another minimal black and white shot, love this contrasty shots. #saturday #evening #black-and-white #window #contrast #shades #june
Day 178
another manual brew shot. Gotta love coffee like this. #afternoon #sunday #coffee #minimal #june #hario #manual-brew #v60 #isolation
Day 180
a weird subject, yet I like how the lines from the shades worked like a perspective #selfie #evening #tuesday #shadow #people #minimal #abstrac...
Day 181
Forte da Lagardeira
nice little fort in Vila de Praia de Ancora - Portugal #outdoors #afternoon #landscape #wednesday #sky #architecture #europe #summ...