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Maciej Chomik

Welcome to my world. Hope you enjoy my pics. Cheers!
#4 364/365
4 streak
Day 1,023
pizza day
Day 1,022
my lady
Day 1,021
coffee shop vibes
Day 1,020
sunrise walk
Day 1,019
It's me
Day 1,018
Morning walk
Day 1,017
Late night walk
Day 1,016
The Alley
Day 1,015
WOŚP Weekend
Day 1,014
Coffee Bag
Day 1,013
Day 1,012
Day 1,011
Day 1,010
Neon Logo
Day 1,009
see through window
Day 1,008
Night walk
Day 1,007
coffee cup
Day 1,006
Coffee time
Day 1,005
Hangover day
Day 1,004
Time for party
Day 1,003
Party day 1
Day 1,002
Concrete cheesecake
Day 1,001
coffee bags
Day 1,000
A 1000 time THANK YOU. Finally i made the 1k club. This project change my life, shape me as an adult and show me that everything is possible. Whe...