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Ying Yi Chen

#1 33/365
3 streak
Day 14
Fresh from the garden
#evening #wednesday #april
Day 33
Cherry bloem
#afternoon #tuesday #april
Day 1
Oriental Spring
The small red flowers and fresh green leaves bring me back to my oriental country. #night #wednesday #march
Day 32
Little Queen
Yesterday was King's day in Holland, everybody wear orange color. The little lady was really concentrating! #morning #monday #april
Day 7
Natural Ancient Map
It's a amazing picture I took from Poplar tree trunk. It's really like an ancient map and I am curious which mysterious destinatio...
Day 31
No matter where it is, I will growing up with a hope. #saturday #evening #april
Day 15
#thursday #evening #april
Day 6
Can not touch
We are so nearby but still there is something in between. #evening #tuesday #march
Day 17
Surprised visitor
Today we have a lovely visitor stayed at our tree. It's so charming from its beautiful eyes. :) #saturday #evening #april