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My photography journal ...
#2 257/365
6 streak
Day 465
Day 480
Little walk before work
Day 604
Clean at last
Day 608
I would not mind if it was over yet
Day 342
Day 344
#344 Golden brush #afternoonsun
Day 427
Cheeky desert with coffee
Day 433
#5 zegary
Day 447
Leafy #theme-fall
Day 452
Abandoned no:2
Day 468
Best days
Day 472
That car again
Day 473
Good day
Day 573
Day 601
Night fuel
Day 603
Day 605
Day 606
4 seasons in 1 day
Day 607
Keema pau
Day 428
Day 449
Leafy walks ....a lot has changed in my life since I have been posting everyday back in 2018. Good to be back ...
Day 455
This season is nearly over...
Day 466
Little cloud
Day 474
Ready to hug a pillow like