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#1 118/365
85 streak
Day 16
Build a bed
Day 17
Sunday night in my back yard
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20
Day 22
Friday night reads
Day 23
Soccer Saturday
Does a Willow on school grounds mean you're at Hogwarts?
Day 24
Day 25
Day 26
Day 27
I missed the pretty colours by 20 minutes, but the day was hectic so this was my only shot
Day 28
Checking south
This is my Southern View. I'd heard there might be an aurora afoot, but alas, it's the the local towns light reflecting off the clouds
Day 29
A sunny place to read
Perfect for a cold winter's day
Day 30
Day 31
The fog didn't lift today. It's cold and miserable
Day 32
Day 33
Day 34
Day 35
Day 37
Yesterday was filled with yard work on a cold rainy day. Needless to say, no other photos exist with the mud
Day 38
Rainy days means puddles
Day 39
Day 40
Day 41