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#1 118/365
85 streak
Day 36
Can you guess?
Day 37
Yesterday was filled with yard work on a cold rainy day. Needless to say, no other photos exist with the mud
Day 76
Southern Skies
Day 92
Day 98
Day 109
Day 113
Not much to post tonight, quiet day running errands and relaxing with my family
Day 114
Another day of not much. I'm lucky to have this view south
Day 14
I broke my streak yesterday because I'm sick :( have a pic of the pins in the lovely wooden bowl my dad made for me
Day 17
Sunday night in my back yard
Day 19
Day 20
Day 22
Friday night reads
Day 27
I missed the pretty colours by 20 minutes, but the day was hectic so this was my only shot
Day 30
Day 32
Day 33
Day 34
Day 47
Day 49
Day 50
Day 53
Day 56
Day 58
Home time
After a whirlwind trip with the family to Sydney, we're finally home