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#1 118/365
85 streak
Day 70
Day 69
Day 68
The bright star to the lower left side of the moon is Antares. Today was one of those days when I barely had a moment to myself. Even now at a...
Day 67
Stairway to....
Day 66
Hobart Synagogue
I really like the architectural design of this facade.
Day 65
Mount Wellington
Day 64
Day 63
Day 62
Sorry for the dirty window
Day 61
The Kodak buildings around the world have an interesting history :)
Day 60
Day 59
Walking home
Day 58
Home time
After a whirlwind trip with the family to Sydney, we're finally home
Day 57
Day 56
Day 55
Day 54
Day 53
Day 52
Caramel Slice
Day 51
Southern Cross
Bottom left of the frame
Day 50
Day 49
Day 48
Day 47