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#1 119/365
86 streak
Day 28
Checking south
This is my Southern View. I'd heard there might be an aurora afoot, but alas, it's the the local towns light reflecting off the clouds
Day 37
Yesterday was filled with yard work on a cold rainy day. Needless to say, no other photos exist with the mud
Day 40
Day 45
Day 48
Day 58
Home time
After a whirlwind trip with the family to Sydney, we're finally home
Day 66
Hobart Synagogue
I really like the architectural design of this facade.
Day 71
EPP Hexies
Progress - this is a lovely project for rainy days #patchwork #hexagons #EnglishPaperPiecing
Day 76
Southern Skies
Day 77
Day 81
200 down
700+ to go
Day 84
Day 89
Day 91
Different perspective
Day 93
Day 102
Day 12
Day 24
Day 30
Day 38
Rainy days means puddles
Day 46
Day 50
Day 72
Power Spark
How to make a functional photo look artistic? #sparkplug #powerwasher #Engine
Day 80