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#1 118/365
85 streak
Day 1
Melbourne Photo Walk
A beatiful day in Melbourne, wrapped up with a night time photo walk with my friend Lauren.
Day 10
New projects
Today wasn't all that exciting. But I bought some new fabrics and am excited about the ideas I have. In sad news, I think my sewing machi...
Day 21
Day 2
Day 3
Today we said goodbye to a dear friend. You may no longer be with us on this earthly plane, but your memory will live on with those who love...
Day 4
My last night in Melbourne before returning to Hobart. This one is for you Lauren xx
Day 26
Day 12
Day 13
The Playhouse stage door
Day 79
Daffodil day swim
Fundraiser for Australian Cancer Council in memory of my mother in laws best friend who sadly lost her battle earlier this year
Day 5
Came home to a family who are all sick. Needless to say, not many photo opportunities outside the home today. Here's the back wall of my house...
Day 6
Rainy day on Victoria Street
Taken while enjoying a warm soup, in a bookshop, on a cold rainy day in Hobart
Day 11
Another home day today.
Day 68
The bright star to the lower left side of the moon is Antares. Today was one of those days when I barely had a moment to myself. Even now at a...
Day 7
Early morning GPO
I've always loved this building. My boys call it "Nana's Castle"
Day 8
Mathers lane
Day 15
Winter solstice
The shortest day of the year in the southern hemisphere. Looking forward to the days starting to get longer. Sunrise at 7.43am, sunset...
Day 16
Build a bed
Day 70
Day 112
Day 9
Argyle Street carpark
Day 28
Checking south
This is my Southern View. I'd heard there might be an aurora afoot, but alas, it's the the local towns light reflecting off the clouds
Day 29
A sunny place to read
Perfect for a cold winter's day
Day 31
The fog didn't lift today. It's cold and miserable