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#3 119/365
1 streak
Day 609
Day 608
Am I in a fairy tale?
Day 607
Pont de les Flors
Name of this bridge where I made this photo is "Flower's bridge" so I think it fits perfectly to the weekly theme ;) #thursday #natu...
Day 606
Mr. Robot
Day 605
Moon different than in Poland? #night #dark #tuesday #moon #sphere #astrology #space #full-moon #lunar #eclipse #astronomy #planet #august #satel...
Day 604
Floral avenue
One of my favourites spots to walk near to house. This morning I felt off the stairs so I didn't walked so much, just to take a couple o...
Day 603
Day 602
Pink Lake in Spain. Unfortunately we didn't catch the best sun so colour wasn't so pink as it can be but anyway it looked really nice. From this day i...
Day 601
I miss juices, this all tastes we don't have in Poland, especially mango, peach and grapes. About funny tastes- did you know that in Spain they have e...
Day 600
Trochę tęsknię czasem za tym widokiem. Za karaluchami mniej ;)
Day 599
Wild trips. It looked (and felt) like an Africa.
Day 598
Weeping angel
Sis, if you're reading this- I couldn't find any better dont-blinking-angel for you! :(( #afternoon #old #house #tuesday #city #art #peo...
Day 597
#indoors #afternoon #light #monday #landmark #art #architecture #building #inside #travel #ceiling #august #dome #no-person
Day 596
Here I should write a whole story of this day but I'm so tired that I actually felt asleep two times during editing this photo so maybe next ti...
Day 595
Day 594
mango color
Day 593
Loooong day and many kilometers made #thursday #outdoors #afternoon #water #sea #city #urban #sky #architecture #building #ocean #town #travel #sh...
Day 592
#afternoon #wednesday #urban #steel #window #design #architecture #building #technology #industry #construction #pattern #business #ceiling...
Day 591
Day 590
postcard from last century
I'm not sure this photo suits to the current week theme but only vistas I have now is city views ;) A bit pop-arty style to...
Day 589
Day 588
Mercat Central
Day 587
I'm totally in love with street art in Valencia, this city is full of wall paintings. When I finish work today, it was about 4 p.m. it was 30°C...
Day 586
From this day I have so many photos I would like to upload that I decided just to pick one and don't think about it more when I still have a cha...