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365 Shades of Calvados

Calvados is one of currently three boston terriers living in one household. He loves to play, he loves treats and he makes funny faces. He inspired his mistress to take more pictures of him and his...
#1 324/365
1 streak
Red carpet
Red carpet for dogs at a dog show #friday #afternoon #dog #carpet #boston-terrier #june #dog-show
On our way to Slovakia #thursday #afternoon #dog #travel #boston-terrier #june #dandy #greta
Hi Leeloo!
Meeting friends :-) #evening #wednesday #boston-terrier #june #french-bulldog
Today we had a birthday to celebrate, so we chose to go to a sushi restaurant #evening #tuesday #green-tea #sushi #june #theme-round
Hunting Games
Calvados and his friend Drop, the Braque de l’Ariège #afternoon #dog #monday #water #summer #boston-terrier #june #calvados #braque-de-l...
A pig at the zebra ;)
A pig in the city - quick shot with my iPhone while waiting for the traffic lights to change #afternoon #sunday #city #june #pig...
At the demo
March for Democracy, Warsaw, Poland Unfortunately at home I realized I shot all the pics with ISO 1600, which I set last night while shoot...
Preparing for tomorrow's march
Getting ready for tomorrow's March for Democracy - the dogs are prepared, the flag is ready too. #friday #night #dog #b...
Overworked - need pills
Too much work, too little sleep - not so good on your health #thursday #night #june
Nikon and Mini Me
One of my favourite toys #night #camera #nikon #wednesday #june #d750
My cat-bokeh
This is how I created the cat-bokeh effect - with a page punch #afternoon #tuesday #cat #bokeh #may #p...
Moher Mug
My favourite coffee mug #afternoon #monday #coffee #mug #may #moher
The cat-bokeh
My Svarovsky cat and a selfmade cat-bokeh #evening #sunday #cat #crystal #bokeh #may #svarovsky #theme-bokeh
CAT - computer-assisted translation ;-)
Honda helps me at work #saturday #night #cat #may #honda #theme-bokeh
Calvados in the ray of the sun #friday #evening #dog #boston-terrier #may #calvados #theme-bokeh
"To save or not to save?"
Baywatch featuring new stars: Dandy and Calvados ;-) #thursday #dog #boston-terrier #may #calvados #dandy
A dog's life: watch and listen #afternoon #dog #wednesday #boston-terrier #may #dandy
Hi, it's Dandy calling! #afternoon #dog #desk #tuesday #iphone #boston-terrier #may #dandy #theme-bokeh
The trophy
Our Calvados performed great during the last dog show. Hurray! #afternoon #dog #monday #cup #boston-terrier #may #calvados #trophy #theme-b...
A view from the window
A view from my favorite broken window at my university #afternoon #sunday #may
Coffee flower
#afternoon #saturday #coffee #may
Remember me?
Calvados feels a little neglected since the "new guy", Dandy, entered our lives and calls for attention. But yes, we remember you and we...
Empty nest...
After a month of watching a common wood pigeon couple build their nest on a tree right outside my window, today I witnessed an attack on...
Photo of a photo
Taking a picture of my Olympus taking a picture of my iPhone ;-) #evening #wednesday #iphone #technology #cameras #may