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Alek Jedliński

#1 343/365
3 streak
Day 316
Day 327
BNW sunset
Day 324
Day 340
Shades of pink
Skyscraper colors
#afternoon #night #wednesday #city #lights #november #skyscraper
View from the desk
#friday #afternoon #work #desk #macro #november #close #material #cloth #piece #duster #lenscloth
Abstract lines
I'm not sure anything is really sharp in this photo... But does it really need to be? Experimenting is fun :) #friday #night #color #bo...
Dark alley
Just a simple nightscape. #night #evening #landscape #tuesday #tree #street #sky #empty #cars #december #vegetation #silent #light-effect
Black pattern
A streak pic, but within the theme. #friday #night #bw #black #bokeh #blur #lens #february #rubber #grip #theme-patterns
Extension tube
Streak pic, no time for anything else, although I'd like to experiment with water some more. #night #wood #mono #desk #wednesday #bw #d...
#saturday #evening #toy #bokeh #figure #march #hawkeye
Day 64
Poor fella
Found him in the grass :( #afternoon #saturday #color #animal #grass #rodent #dead #fur #pets #rabbit #bunny #cute #easter #april #mammal #...
Day 3
Nothing like a good cup of coffee in the morning.
Day 4
On a walk
So happy we live in a place where there is a lot of greenery and plants. City is cool and all but I need my daily dose of nature.
Day 6
Amanita muscaria
Pity someone took it out of ground :( #mushroom #autumn #color-red #red
Day 7
Working late
Day 8
Walk in the dark
Day 10
Wet green
Love going for a walk after it rains. #green #forest #nature
Day 65
Bonio resting
Day 72
I don’t play games often, but sometimes you come across a real gem. This is such a cool game.
Day 75
Good luck kitten
Day 76
Pacific Rim
Day 78
Tiny plant
Day 86
Christmas tree