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I live in Edinburgh in Scotland, I enjoy taking wildlife photos mainly birds. I am now on my 7th year which highlights my daily interaction with a young Heron at a nearby loch.
#9 161/365
3 streak
Day 2,521
Young Grey Heron
Three of the heron were around this morning. My one flew down from the dovecote and met me at the entrance to the park. She walked me...
Day 2,523
Young Grey Heron
Both the older heron and my heron met me near the entrance to the park this morning. It is amazing how much less timid the older one...
Day 2,520
Young Grey Heron
Oops I just noticed my streak was 10 which is a massive drop. Couldn't understand it until I checked and noticed I hadn't uploaded my...
Day 2,553
Young Grey Heron
I went up to the loch with MrsD this morning. The young one flew over to the edge of the loch and had a feed on sardines and pollock....
Day 2,517
Young Grey Heron
Only the young one and the older female around this morning. They both flew onto the path. The bin lorry and a woman stopped to watch...