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I live in Edinburgh in Scotland, I enjoy taking wildlife photos mainly birds. I am now on my 7th year which highlights my daily interaction with a young Heron at a nearby loch.
#9 157/365
4 streak
Day 2,384
Young Grey Heron
When I went up to the loch this morning it was blowing a gale! There was no sign whatsoever of the young Heron. In fact there was ver...
Day 2,386
Arthur's Seat a Tree and a Crow but no Herons
No sign of the young Heron or the male heron. I went up to the loch 3 times but could not hang around th...
Day 2,390
Young Grey Heron
Very wet and windy this morning (thank goodness for weather resistant cameras) . The young Heron spotted me immediately and flew over...
Day 2,393
Young grey Heron
As I approached the loch I spotted the young one on the viewing platform. She was pretty safe as the flooding around it prevents anyo...
Day 2,396
Young Grey Heron
When I went to the loch this morning I could not see the young Heron anywhere. An old man walking his dog approached me and said "It'...
Day 2,420
Young Grey Heron
I had to go looking for the young Heron today. She eventually found me at the side of the loch. She flew over and had most of her fis...
Day 2,434
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron met me at the gate this morning, had all her fish, stood and watched a bus going by then flew back, presumably to her...
Day 2,436
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron flew over and met me mid way between the gate and the loch. I was pleased to see there was no bleeding or signs of a...
Day 2,439
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was waiting on top of the dovecote again. As soon as she saw me she flew down to the park entrance. The extra filet s...
Day 2,440
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was watching for me again from the dovecote. She flew down to the entrance as soon as she spotted me. The young must...
Day 2,446
Young Grey Heron
The young one flew straight over this morning and ate all her fish before flying directly back to the nest. At lunch time Mrs D came...
Day 2,447
Young Grey Heron
When I approached the entrance to the park I spotted a guy with 2 dogs on leashes one was pulling towards where the young Heron usual...
Day 2,459
Young Grey Heron
Both the young heron and the crow were waiting at the entrance this morning. I gave the crow a couple of bits of fish and it took off...
Day 2,463
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was waiting for me this morning, a bit further into the park. When I turned the corner I saw her chasing the crow and...
Day 2,464
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron flew down from the dovecote this morning and got all her fish without incident there was no sign of the crow. I went...
Day 2,467
The Heron and the Crow
I only saw the young Heron this morning as we were on the school run this afternoon, she stayed behind the fence today. She doe...
Day 2,472
Young Grey Heron
The young heron flew over to the grass gave herself a shake and fluffed up her feathers before eating. Since the chicks have fledged...
Day 2,485
Young Grey Heron
My wife came with me today as she has not seen the male Heron or the other Female Heron yet. The young heron was nowhere to be seen s...
Day 2,490
Young Grey Heron
The young heron with the other female. She was still reluctant to eat when she was around but if I threw the other female's whitebait...
Day 2,491
Young Grey Heron
I couldn't find any Herons this morning and was about to give up, when the older female flew over followed by the young Heron. The yo...
Day 2,495
Grey Herons
The young heron flew over to the grass today and got a lot of whitebait. She was joined momentarily by the older female. Who was obviously...
Day 2,537
Young Grey Heron
The young one was not around this morning, only the older female who was waiting for me at the edge of the loch. I went back after lu...
Day 2,217
Greylag Goose
A Greylag goose today. Still no sign of the young Heron. Whilst I have still not given up on her returning I am OK if she doesn't! It ha...
Day 2,231
Stretch shot