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I live in Edinburgh in Scotland, I enjoy taking wildlife photos mainly birds. I am now on my 7th year which highlights my daily interaction with a young Heron at a nearby loch.
#9 157/365
4 streak
Day 2,239
Day 2,241
Day 2,253
Probably a young Herring gull
Day 2,269
Young Grey Heron
Went up to the loch this morning but the young heron was nowhere to be seen. I thought I glimpsed her near the middle of the loch but...
Day 2,270
Young Grey Heron
I went up to the loch quite early. There was no sign of the young heron, it was quite breezy so she wasn't on her tree. As I got clos...
Day 2,272
Young Grey Heron
Another early visit up to the loch. The young heron spotted me early from her tree and flew over. I didn't notice that there were ano...
Day 2,279
Young Grey Heron
The young one was waiting for me on the viewing platform again. As I approached she jumped down to the side of the loch. I started fe...
Day 2,282
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron spotted me early and flew over to the path. I walked her onto the grass and started feeding her. For once there were...
Day 2,284
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron spotted me and flew over to the grass. She then started to walk towards me. I didn't want her getting too close to th...
Day 2,285
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was waiting on the grass for me today. She walked straight over as soon as she spotted me. I started feeding her and...
Day 2,286
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was waiting on the grass again today. She gets quite distracted as there are a few dogs around at that time during th...
Day 2,291
Young grey heron
The young Heron was on the viewing platform. As soon as she spotted me she flew over. The crow was there as well, The advantage of go...
Day 2,303
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was waiting on the grass for me again and walked over to meet me. I walked her a bit closer to the loch then started...
Day 2,313
Young Grey Heron
When I got to the loch this morning I could not see the young Heron. The contractors were busy working although no too noisy. I made...
Day 2,317
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was standing on a Gabion basket that has been installed at the point I usually feed her. It was completely fenced off...
Day 2,321
Young Grey Heron
I couldn't see the young one this morning when I approached the loch. She was not on top of the Dovecote or in the water. I had almos...
Day 2,323
Young Grey Heron
A nice incident free visit to the loch this morning. The young Heron spotted me as I got close to the water and flew over and landed...
Day 2,331
Merry Christmas everyone! I took an early walk to the loch, it was still quite dark. The young Heron spotted me and came running over (I rarely see he...
Day 2,332
Young Grey Heron
It was a little bit busier at the loch this morning. Just as I was about to go in I spotted a man with a greyhound. I let him go way...
Day 2,335
Young grey heron
The young one met me very near the entrance again. She was not interested at following me further in, nearer the loch. A woman passin...
Day 2,363
Young grey heron
I decided to go up to the loch a little bit later as the young heron has stopped coming over early. She was on a tree at the foot of...
Day 2,368
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron flew over from the platform this morning to get her fish. She was about halfway through when the greylag geese came a...
Day 2,369
Young Grey Heron
I was just approaching the loch this morning when the young Heron landed right in front of me on the grass. I had just started feedin...
Day 2,391
Young Grey Heron
It was VERY windy when I went up to the loch this morning and there was no sign of the young Heron. I think she watches for me from a...