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#3 257/365
2 streak
Day 614
Out of Season
This was a fun subject to shoot, the low light and the colors made it interesting from basically every angle. #outdoors #nature #saturda...
Day 644
4th Form
Early (or late) start today! This is the 4th form of Godzilla from the latest Toho movie, Shin Godzilla. I'm hoping to do a lot more complex...
Day 647
Modern Monster
Back to the action figures again. This time, a newer movie, Legendary Pictures' vision of Godzilla from the 2014 reboot. #saturday #nig...
Day 675
Only a few inches today, but it looked really nice coming down. #fall #outdoors #nature #afternoon #landscape #wood #color #wednesday #tree...
Day 673
Something felt very 1950s industrial about this one, so I had some fun changing up the looks. #morning #outdoors #nature #landscape #monday...
Day 699
Steam off the Orange Line
Steam rising up from the Orange line tunnels below. #evening #car #road #tuesday #rain #street #weather #industry #traffic #...
Day 704
Pololū Valley
Hiked into and back out of Pololu Valley today, which was pretty unbeatable. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #landscape #wood #sunday #tree...
Day 713
Nothing particularly special about this one, but something about it just screamed black and white to me. #afternoon #food #old #vintage #rain #w...
Day 718
Just a nice sign in an alley. #afternoon #light #tuesday #train #street #city #architecture #building #travel #vehicle #march #no-person #transp...
Day 720
Boston at Night
A rainy night in Boston. Something about the view here was really aesthetically pleasing. #thursday #outdoors #evening #light #downtow...
Day 366
Spring is in full swing, and it's become quite apparent in my front yard. #morning #nature #light #monday #flowers #purple #lavender #plants...
Day 370
My s/o spotted this awesome orange salamander while we were hiking. It was an amazing spot, he was tiny!! #morning #forest #woods #nature #...
Day 381
I have a little chunk of amethyst at home. It was surprisingly hard to get a good angle when photographing, because so much is going on. #aft...
Day 396
This photo is also from that hiking trip, but I couldn't help posting it. It's was an amazing view! #nature #saturday #evening #rain #color #blue...
Day 558
It got really warm towards the end of this week, and all of the snow vanished essentially overnight. #afternoon #saturday #february #green-mamb...
Day 569
Cell Tower
Cell towers just look really cool. I think it has to do with all of the cables and bits protruding out. #afternoon #monday #sky #steel #ele...
Day 570
This one is pretty simple, but I think that's why I like it. #afternoon #tuesday #march
Day 579
More Brutalism
A different angle on the local brutalist landmark. #thursday #afternoon #architecture #building #concrete #march
Day 587
Red Light
Can't stop taking subway pictures. Most likely because I'm in the subway all the time xD. #friday #afternoon #design #icon #april #symbol
Day 582
Black & Yellow
An interesting bird in the backyard, the feather pattern was really fascinating. #afternoon #sunday #grass #web #spider-web #april
Day 594
Big Yellow
The moon really was looking like cheese this morning. #morning #monday #ball #balloon #may
Day 612
The best part of summer--the frogs! #outdoors #nature #afternoon #little #tuesday #water #drop #rain #color #wet #leaf #moss #clean #close #de...
Day 619
Forest Hike
Hiked through some fantastic new growth forest today, which meant there were tons of views like this one. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #la...
Day 634
Look down the train tracks is always super visually interesting. #october #afternoon #light #dark #rain #wednesday #fog #street #city #shadow #...