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#3 257/365
2 streak
Day 843
Spirit Animal
Whoever this was, they made my evening. #evening #car #light #road #monday #street #track #people #november #action #race #vehicle #comp...
Day 842
Strip mall
I just liked the lights here. This would've been a pretty ugly shot at 1300, but at 2100 it's just magical. #friday #evening #car #light #r...
Day 841
Gas & Ceramic
I can never decide if my gas fireplace is a Sartre-esque crisis of authenticity or just really convenient. #indoors #thursday #music #ev...
Day 840
You don't want to know how long I stood around trying to catch the blinking lights on this sign just right. #thursday #evening #light #dark #n...
Day 839
Leaf, Rain, Lights
One of the last few green leaves clinging to my windshield. #fall #outdoors #nature #evening #wood #light #tuesday #color #tree #su...
Day 838
I just managed to catch this moment-barely a minute later and the sun had set enough so that the leaves weren't lit up in this way anymore. #fa...
Day 837
I really liked the gradation on these leaves. #october #fall #outdoors #nature #afternoon #wood #color #wednesday #tree #sun #park #leaf #branch #...
Day 836
Lots of fall colors coming up, because it's just so hard to avoid. #morning #october #fall #outdoors #nature #landscape #wood #tuesday #color #...
Day 835
Quiet Weekend
One of my favorite things about fall is the quiet that slowly becomes more prominent as people lash everything down for winter. #october...
Day 834
Natural Power
This church was struck by lightning overnight due a severe storm. #morning #october #outdoors #wednesday #sky #steel #power #architectur...
Day 833
Pure Luck
This one was pure luck, and that's all there really is to say about that. #october #outdoors #afternoon #landscape #house #tuesday #water #r...
Day 832
US Patent
This is in a park near my office, and the blocky industrial look made for an interesting contrast to the bushes and branches in the backgrou...
Day 831
Not the best photo, but the hectic asymmetry of the equipment and caution tape on this truck was my aesthetic this afternoon. #october #outd...
Day 830
Going for a walk
Some furry friends out for a walk together. #october #outdoors #nature #afternoon #landscape #sunday #tree #sky #grass #country #gras...
Day 829
Working Late
The glow of all of my electronics at night is really visually interesting. #indoors #october #saturday #night #music #car #light #street...
Day 828
Light White, Dark Green
It's kinda shocking how much I gravitate towards flowers. Not really sure why. #october #outdoors #nature #friday #afternoon #...
Day 827
I didn't have time to snap something while out and about, so I was messing around at my desk. Something about this was interesting, though. I...
Day 826
I think this is a chrysanthemum? Gorgeous flower for around here in October. Mad props to the gardner. #october #outdoors #nature #after...
Day 825
Evening over the State House
A lovely faded blue sky hanging over the Boston State House. #october #outdoors #evening #landscape #light #tuesday #tree...
Day 824
Color Stripe
A strip of color running through the dreary day. #morning #october #outdoors #nature #lake #landscape #monday #water #sea #tree #reflecti...
Day 823
Always a pleasure to watch the red and orange creep up and over the green of the summer leaves. #october #fall #outdoors #nature #afternoon #s...
Day 822
Fall Daises
Heading into October, the bees are out in full force! #october #outdoors #nature #friday #afternoon #garden #leaf #flower #bright #summer...
Day 821
The peeling paint on this porch looks almost digitized. Unfortunately, I underexposed the shot a little bit. #thursday #october #afternoon #...
Day 820
I didn't have a ton of great ideas today, so here is my phone, which I thought would look nice on a granite surface. #night #monday #computer #sc...