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#3 257/365
2 streak
Day 456
I got to hang out and catch my commute with a friend today! That gave me an opportunity to shoot the whole way! #evening #monday #lights #urba...
Day 508
Some more Godzilla portraits! I attached a screw on macro lens for this shot, which is where the extreme DoF came from. #nature #saturday...
Day 562
It's simple, but I really liked this sticker. #afternoon #monday #february
Day 576
I've been really focusing on buildings recently, and I don't really know why. There's just a lot of different points that are really interesti...
Day 595
Not very common, but I saw a small propeller plane flying pretty low over my head today! #morning #saturday #sky #fly #flying #device #travel #w...
Day 617
Quiet Path
Took a bunch of shots while walking today, something about the lighting in this one made it look a bit magical. #outdoors #nature #afternoo...
Day 620
Just Barely
There was a good deal more effort behind this shot than it looks. The necessary filter for the shot was delivered to my house only an hour...
Day 632
Tiny Mushroom
Another tiny mushroom! #october #fall #nature #afternoon #food #old #wood #black-and-white #light #monday #dark #shadow #rock #moss #mon...
Day 716
A particularly poignant sign at today's March for our Lives in Boston. #afternoon #saturday #soccer #people #business #action #battle #march #com...
Day 371
Now that spring is here, I guess I'm on quite the nature kick! #morning #outdoors #nature #saturday #leaves #tree #red #blue #sky #branch #seaso...
Day 380
Another model photo, I just love the way the foot looks here. #afternoon #tuesday #animal #foot #model #dinosaur #may #reptile #claw
Day 385
Action figure #2
I'm going to try and make a series out of these, we'll see where it goes! #portrait #morning #monday #toy #tuesday #lego #macro #figu...
Day 390
I felt like I needed to practice my portraits...luckily I always have a volunteer! #portrait #afternoon #saturday #dog #sepia #june
Day 427
I saw this cicada drying its wings on a tree branch. The light was shining right through them and it looked beautiful! #nature #friday #afternoo...
Day 443
I'm going to try and shoot long exposures more often...they're so much fun! #evening #light #train #wednesday #commute #train-station #subway...
Day 461
Fall Yellow
Some more beautiful fall colors, yellow this time! #october #fall #nature #afternoon #leaves #sunday #blue #colors #yellow #autumn-colors...
Day 480
The people in my city were not very happy about the recent American Presidential election, so here we all are demonstrating in front of our St...
Day 489
Some rolls being baked before thanksgiving! I guess now it's the time of year for holiday food photos :P #thursday #afternoon #food #fruit #nove...
Day 493
Holiday Lights
The holiday lights have started appearing now that it's December, which means ample opportunity for bokeh! #evening #wednesday #novembe...
Day 557
Beer in a Basement
Friends in low places...? #afternoon #wednesday #architecture #february
Day 577
Style Match
Noticed two buildings that, when viewed from the right angle, nearly blend into each other. #afternoon #office #downtown #tuesday #city #u...
Day 593
Mammoth Cave
I had the opportunity to tour Mammoth Cave in Kentucky today, and it was unbelievable. This is the longest cave system in the world, with...
Day 601
Red Blossoms
Now that we're well into summer, the amount of flowers I'll be posting has been going up dramatically :P #outdoors #nature #afternoon #wo...
Day 630
This is a really interesting fungus called puffball releasing spores before winter. #portrait #october #afternoon #food #apple #saturday #light...