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Edward Chang

An architect, an art lover also
#4 321/365
30 streak
Day 1,021
Day 1,023
Testing the atou-lawnmower
Day 829
Dry branch on the ground
Day 840
A little thing
Day 846
Out of the KFC
Waiting for the orders out of the restaurant, includes me apparently, then bring it back home to eat.
Day 847
Day 894
Lighted by the headlights
Day 904
We need umbrellas and city need clouds ☁️
Day 906
Donations (not my)
Day 920
A funny black dog
Day 935
Day 939
Ambry show
It’s not in my #theme-kitchen.
Day 941
Old town
Day 946
In the restaurant
I really love this creature but some in my family is allergic to it, so...
Day 956
Abstract (green waves)
Day 963
By iPhone 5
For some reason, I found my this old cellphone and it still can work after charging it.
Day 964
Day 966
By iPhone 5 again
I like the colors of it, even though it’s not that clear. #theme-green
Day 988
Wharf and boat
Day 992
Day 994
Closed by some reason that all of us know
Day 1,001
Day 1,004
Ready to drink something here
Day 1,018
Visit somewhere