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Emilka Parzych

“Look and think before opening the shutter. The heart and mind are the true lens of the camera.” — Yousuf Karsh
#1 95/365
2 streak
Day 95
Day 94
Dark portrait.
Day 93
Easter delicacies.
Day 92
Old church.
Djursdala, Sweden.
Day 91
Real spring :)
Day 90
Day 89
Day 88
Road in work.
Day 87
looking for the light in the tunnel.
Day 86
hard days, time for change..
Day 85
Catch the light.
Day 84
Open door.
Day 83
Rainy window.
Day 82
At night.
It was really hard day..
Day 81
Moving in. Day 3.
New view from the kitchen.
Day 80
Moving in. Day 2.
New view from bedroom.
Day 79
Moving in. Day 1.
Aparat chwilowo nieosiągalny.
Day 78
Between trees.
Day 77
Lonely evening with LR :)
Lonely evening with LR :)
Day 76
Alone at home...
Day 75
Colorful forest.
#nature #oldlens
Day 74
Fighter plane.
Day 73
Red monster outside the window.
Day 72
Packing, moving.