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Lover of the simple pleasures in life. Sunrises, sunsets, the beach, and my home.
#1 141/365
23 streak
Day 135
Baby Dinosaurs
Day 140
Every so often, I thumb through this special edition “Time” magazine. So many great photos! I usually find a little inspiration each time.
Day 8
Golden hour among the muscadine vines. #relax #golden-hour #evening #summer
Day 15
Perfect day
Summertime is my favorite time
Day 31
Snack time!
A little afternoon treat just after a hard rain.
Day 101
Kinda ready to be back to my routine.
Day 125
The weather has been so nice lately. Everyday is hot and sunny. I love summertime.
Day 127
A Different World
Day 128
Yet, Another Beautiful Day
Day 132
Never Bored
Day 134
In My Business
Anytime I get low to the floor, he gets in my way. 😂 This time I was picking up a pen I dropped.
Day 9
Late Night
Almost didn’t make it. It’s blurred and shaky, but this has been my evening.
Day 11
Beacon in the night
Still a little drowsy from the nights slumber. My coffee shines bright though. It’s calling me.
Day 12
My Barn
I love my barn. My work shop, man cave, and quiet place. It’s also a great place to relax when it’s raining.
Day 28
Daily Haul
Absolutely loving this 90 degree weather! So are my chickens.
Day 30
Old Friend
Think I might break this guy out for a while.
Day 32
Streak photo
Video games and Grey Goose. That sums up my night. Thankful for a day off tomorrow.
Day 33
Home sweet home
No place I’d rather be.
Day 38
Bed ridden. This never happens. I’m sure I’ll be as right as rain in the morning though.
Day 43
Litter Bugs
I love that my yard is littered with these beautiful little feathers. It’s something so simple, but I love it. Ya gotta enjoy the little t...
Day 52
New Game
Been awhile since I bought a new game. Today, I got Ace Combat 7. It’s aight.
Day 59
T Rex
My turken rooster, Tank. I can’t believe how big he has gotten.
Day 62
Good Ending
Day 95