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#2 35/365
400 streak
Day 136
Teeny-tiny friend
Even though he/she is ugly, he/she is still my friend (at least for the 365 challenge haha)
Day 167
Some beautiful sunset clouds today
Day 181
I love tea
A cup of tea before going to sleep is a must for me, I can't go to bed without it
Day 197
Bees are cool...
...however wasps are not.
Day 203
Moody evening
Day 205
Do you get the joke..?
Okay, I gotta admit - the joke's pretty lame haha. But it kinda looks like an advertisement for some kind of drink if you ask m...
Day 214
NI Komplete Audio 6
My audio interface, the "heart" of my "studio"
Day 218
Just chillin'
I just had a cold bath and I'm super relaxed right now
Day 252
"TZ tips for school start - Which phone for your child ?"
Tomorrow's the first day of school here in Bavaria. This photo legitimately scares me. Not o...
Day 271
I had to reset my phone, because it had some kind of trouble. That's why I needed to take it out of its case
Day 275
Alright, here we go again...
Nothing better than getting a really bad cold...:)
Day 281
Yesterday's photo inspired me to do today's. Who remembers this little fella here..? :)
Day 282
Nothing special at all
Just a teabag being a teabag, just seconds away from getting turned into tea. That's the first photo that I personally feel rea...
Day 290
Autumn leafs
Day 291
Day 292
Kids, always protect your ears when going to loud places
Day 293
That doesn't look that bad actually. My clock in the darkness..
Day 303
Let's go a bit oldschool here ;)
Day 320
Day 322
Day 328
Playing with focus and perspective
Day 329
Calm before the storm
Big day tomorrow
Day 333
Day 347