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#2 35/365
400 streak
Day 397
Day 20
Didn't have any idea today whatsoever, so...Here's a small glimpse of me ;)
Day 27
Day 36
Peace and love
Those two are the most important things in life. Literally everything else is secondary. (BTW I made this together with my dad when I w...
Day 40
Day 52
(not) sponsored
Day 55
last minute
Day 58
Most definitely a streak pic for today...
Day 68
Train Station
Well as the title says, I had to go to the train station today, in order to grab some cash from my bank. I need the cash because I'm gon...
Day 72
Day 74
Color spectrum
Streak photo for day #74
Day 82
Funny enough, you can actually see the flashlight being reflected on the glass haha
Day 109
Good night...
...I'll see you tomorrow, when the sun comes out again :) #theme-bloom
Day 112
80m tall
That's quite impressive
Day 116
Distorted weather
Today it became cold again, it's 8°C, the wind blows and it rains.. Well basically it sucks haha
Day 118
Waiting for the train
Forgot my camera at home, so my phone will have to do.
Day 120
Train leaving
Sadly it's not mine hehe
Day 124
Day 132
Day 138
Full moon tonight
Day 140
Rainy moods
Day 176
Small update #8 (the end)
So, as a conclusion to my wisdom teeth adventure - just like I said yesterday, I got the stitches removed today. That means...
Day 177
Streak pic (scissors)
Something random lying on my desk, look what a mess this is !
Day 179
The Godfather
I came home from work quite late, so that's all that I could think of :)