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#2 35/365
400 streak
Day 154
Curious dude
Well something clearly grabbed my friend's attention here
Day 155
Well hello there
Day 159
River on a sunny day
Can you find my friend ? ;)
Day 160
Rammstein in Munich
This was one of the best nights in my life. Danke schön Rammstein !!
Day 161
Streak pic (another one, yeah...)
I'm starting to think if I'm still good enough for this challenge.. Anyway, enjoy my mug being empty after drinking...
Day 164
Just chillin'
Day 170
Small update
I'm doing okay (kinda). I can't eat much, I feel a bit nauseous. But it's gonna be alright in a few days.
Day 171
Ibu 600mg
= my best friend currently :D
Day 183
Day 193
Nice lights
Apparently there was some kind of concert in Munich today...
Day 202
Day 209
Taken at work today
I've been standing in the rain for like an hour today, to lead the guests to a different concert location, since it's been raining...
Day 220
I love experimenting with light
Day 227
Calm night at Gdańsk Orunia
It's good to be back in my hometown, even if I'm staying three weeks only. But walking down all those known streets create...
Day 233
Day 234
Taken on ul. Długa in Gdańsk. Reminds me of the Disney Pixar movie: Up. Just imagine if you could just fly away and leave all this behind......
Day 235
Lazy (most likely weak..?) day
Didn't feel like doing anything at all today. Struggling to get up, to get motivated to do anything, even though I'm on...
Day 236
A day at the beach
Unfortunately I forgot to take my camera with me. Meanwhile my mom looking at a selfie taken by me - if you look closely, that's me...
Day 241
Another one of these...
Day 243
My brother's wedding
The ceremony was beautiful, the party was exciting. It was a perfect night, I couldn't imagine it to be any better
Day 247
*Almost* perfect symmetry
Almost perfect symmetry Not even kidding, this happened randomly and was not a set up
Day 250
And off we go...
The 3 weeks of vacation went by so quickly, tonight going back to Munich. 12h of car drive...
Day 253
Day 254
Home is where your bed is