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#2 35/365
400 streak
Day 261
The cube
Day 267
Day 274
Some tea
Day 286
Playing around with light is fun
Day 296
Great movie
Definitely oscar worthy material
Day 300
Day 308
Day 313
Day 314
As boring as it gets
But I keep on doing, not even 2 months remain. Hopefully I manage to get some actually good photos as soon as possible.
Day 319
Day 325
Day 332
Day 342
Day 348
Had my mixing assignment at university today. #theme-flatlay-tech
Day 350
Day 376
Day 378
They're always gonna be with me, through thick and thin ;)
Day 383
Day 396
"Bye, I'm outta here"
Day 17
The AllSpark
Day 29
Streak stone
Streak pic for day #29, enjoy haha
Day 37
My backup camera if I happen to find something interesting on the go
Day 38
Just trying to get my thoughts on paper
Day 45
Accidental long-exposure shot which I actually kinda like :D