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#2 35/365
400 streak
Day 50
Do właściwej 50-tki mi wprawdzie jeszcze bardzo daleko, ale do tej jednej tutaj dobrnąłem. Oby tak dalej, pozdrawiam ! :D
Day 53
Day 56
Well I thought this was gonna be another streak pic, but I actually really like it haha
Day 60
Day 62
Day 75
At some fancy coffe place
Day 88
On my way to work
Day 91
Elephants are cool
Change my mind
Day 94
Sneaky friend
Day 95
But really..? It's said that when you catch the clock with two identical numbers, somebody is thinking about you. In fact - nope. Nobody thinks,...
Day 107
Sun + Lens flare = Love
It was so hard to focus though...:D I'm so glad it got warmer finally
Day 122
Streak pic (Idk which one)
After coming home from work at 23:15 i just wanna rip that tie off haha
Day 123
Just some toothpicks in front of a lamp
Day 125
I love coffee and coffee loves me
Today I got this mug as a gift and had to try it out with some coffee immediately. Looks beautiful with my favorite...
Day 130
Day 137
With a buddy
Day 142
Guess who goes to see Rammstein live on June 9th ? :D
Day 151
In the streets
Day 153
Rammstein \mI
One week to go, I really can't wait for that concert ! :)
Day 169
Today I got my wisdom teeth pulled out - all four. That means that the next days will most probably be streak pics only. Let's see how long this...
Day 174
Small update #5
Okay, it's the end of the week. Tomorrow's Monday and I'm going to work again, yay ! Here you can see my remaining teeth somehow forme...
Day 175
Small update #6 (aka another pointless streak pic about my teeth situation)
That's me, after a week of recovering from removed wisdom teeth. Unshaven,...
Day 180
I'm at a friend's, watching a livestream of a festival I really miss being at. Having fun though.
Day 184
It's amazing how such a small thing like a cable standard can change peoples lives, it's hard to find someone without an USB cable nowadays