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62 photos from 1 person. Curated by
Day 123
Touristy Day
We've had some visitors and took a stroll through the Dresden's Old Town today.
Day 452
A reference to a movie that I've actually never seen. Maybe it's time to change that..
Day 549
The opening of DRESDEN-concept exhibition, celebrating 10 years of collaboration between scientific institutions and facilities in Dre...
Inspired by the picture I took in Bergen, I took a picture of a manhole in Altstadt today. Not as nice as the Norwegian one, but will make it...
Day 56
A look at the Old Town
On my way to work...
Day 76
Time for pubquiz!
Day 83
On the way to Altstadt
Day 55
First heat wave this year
Day 57
Yellow whale
Day 296
Hidden symmetry
Yes, I do experience creative block since coming back from holiday. It's been already a month of my 365 and I suddenly ran out of the...
Eastern Ampelmann
A reminescence of GDR. #october #afternoon #monday #gdr #germany #ampelmann
Day 86
Golden grid
Two years ago I took a similar photo: In the meantime, they built a sister building next door. This tim...
Sculptures of Dresden
A collage today. Attention: lower half not suitable for people with OCD. #monday #germany #september #dresden #sculptures #baroq...