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84 photos from 1 person. Curated by
Day 177
just flowers
it is my daughter's choice today
Day 180
Day 184
#theme-green #green #snail
Day 212
drabina/ ladder
iść, ciągle iść w stronę słońca
Day 251
Trying to keep work-life balance
Day 270
Zachwyt szczegółem
Dostrzegam detal w najbliższym otoczeniu.
Day 278
W lesie
Spacer w lesie po ponad miesięcznej nieobecności.
Day 279
Day 285
A piece of art
Provocative. Only after I had cut the picture in half, I managed to post in vertically. ENJOY, anyhow
Day 289
Green and red
Find colours in your life
Day 302
Green house
Day 320
Gdzieś w lesie
Day 344
Kłująca ;-)
Not one this year at home, due to a little kitten. #theme-details
Day 347
Growing Heart tenderness
I'm sitting in a quiet kitchen, drinking coffee, looking at my plants. Pets messing around. Zen. #minimalism #plant #green #l...
Day 411
Hope. Growth. Freshgreen.
Day 428
Przewróciło się
Day 452
A short walk in a Forest. Too weak to go further.
Day 457
Another face pot
Seems they wait for me to spot them and collect. Well...kind of magical.
Day 458
Day 477
Lacking sth
It starts to go dry Why? It happens suddenly, for no reason. Imperceptibly. So it may happen in a relationship Leaf by leaf Day by day Unt...
Day 488
Jeszcze w zielone gramy
Polski Top w Radio 3 5 7 Słuchany w podróży Jestem szczęśliwą Polką
Day 501
May in the park
Morning walk made me so tired I could barely walk home due to covid vaccination yesterday .
Day 518
Went on my balcony to take it. Too weak to do any better. Hope to get diagnosed soon. Or just get better.
Day 519
Spacerkiem po nowym lesie i mokradłach