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266 photos from 1 person. Curated by
Day 517
Preparing for the big event
Day 516
One more friend received her Dr. title yesterday. There is a tradition in Germany, or at least here in Dresden, to prepare a personalized gr...
Day 515
Quick tour in the forest
Day 514
The Princess and the Pea
Day 513
Wanted to read this one for a while now..
Day 512
The setup
And 50 GB of pictures waiting to be developed..
Day 511
Testing setup for tomorrow's big employee photoshoot.
Day 510
After work biking
Day 509
Day 508
Always together
Day 507
Bike porn
Found a great route in the forest today.
Day 506
Day 505
Day 504
Day in bed with a cat, hot tea, and the strangest book I've read so far (Observation on the spot by Lem).
Day 503
It's good to be back to portrait photography. Today I took pictures of Julia. She is a very talented PhD student at TU Dresden. She will soon mo...
Day 502
Writing my first press release
Day 501
Sleepy kitty
He's somehow not in a mood today. Might be the weather.. Might be the tough morning - desperately trying to wake me up for 2h..
Day 500
It's been a while since the last yawning cat picture :-)
Day 499
Day 498
Day 497
Day 496
The Eye of Krzysztof
Day 495
The seminar rooms at the university are still mostly empty. The new semester will start soon but it will be an online one again. The live ta...
Day 494
Another afternoon in a hammock