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1,697 photos from 1 person. Curated by
Day 1
Picture øne
I begin the "cycle" Tookapic... First day of October First image First floor First circle... #morning #thursday #october #design #technolo...
Day 2
Retrø?... Retrø!
in french Rear-view mirror= retro...viseur #morning #october #friday #car #transport #driving #luxury #vehicle #theme-retro #road-tra...
Day 3
new jet or old car vw '60 ?... ( not yet diesel ;-) #morning #october #saturday #theme-retro
Day 4
Sixties Transistør
This is the picture... Før the søund... "Imagine" a øld søng øf Beatles #morning #october #sunday #theme-retro
Day 5
Breakfast øf røbøt
#morning #october #monday #metal #theme-breakfast
Day 6
Breakfast Døg :-(
Morning surprise #morning #october #food #tuesday #plate #theme-breakfast
Day 7
Breakfast cat #1
Oups! Poor bird !... (Sorry Craig ;-) #morning #october #wednesday #red #vegetation #theme-breakfast
Day 8
365th Pawel Kadysz Breakfast !
Bravo Pawel ! Good performance and what the photographer's eye ! as we say in French: "Pawel Cadysz a des yeux de velou...
Day 9
Earthwørm Breakfast
in french: "un déjeuner sur l'herbe" ou "manger les pissenlits par la racine"... #october #nature #friday #afternoon #grass #veget...
Day 10
Bee Breakfast
#morning #october #food #saturday #flower #party #season #vegetation #theme-breakfast
Day 11
Apple før breakfast
Steve jøbs regime #morning #october #food #sunday #furniture #theme-breakfast
Day 12
Time chataigne
#october #nature #afternoon #monday #close #season #vegetation #theme-autumn #sweet-chestnut
Day 13
The lace bottoms of autumn mushrooms #morning #october #nature #food #landscape #tuesday #leaf #close #natural #vegetable #vegetation #mushroo...
Day 14
Car Eyes
Leaf stuck on front grille Porsche Macan #morning #october #car #wednesday #transport #equipment #theme-autumn #road-transport
Day 15
Røbøt eyes
#morning #thursday #october #map #orientation
Day 16
Røbøts are everywhere !
;-) Tanya #october #friday #afternoon
Day 18
Røbøts are everywhere #2
#morning #october #sunday
Day 17
Leaf and cøncrete
#october #afternoon #saturday #red #theme-autumn
Day 19
#october #afternoon #monday
Day 20
#october #afternoon #tuesday #business #stethoscope #theme-hobbies
Day 21
Røbøts are everywhere #3
#morning #october #wednesday
Day 22
høbbies: Antique car cøllectør
høbbies: Antique car cøllectør Detail røøf jøint øf øld Jaguar #thursday #october #sky #theme-hobbies
Day 24
Førest Gump Tribute
( playgrøund #1) #october #afternoon #saturday #wood
Day 25
Nostalgic Argentic photographic...
#october #afternoon #sunday #metal #equipment #object #theme-hobbies