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Gregory Omvig

I take some pictures and play games occasionally. • Canon T3i • Canon 18-55mm • Yongnuo 50mm soon to come...
#1 13/365
2 streak
Day 3
GPU - The final piece to my picture editing puzzle
This right here is my Asus Strix GTX 980. It does the grunt work of editing and processing my RAW f...
Day 4
Among the darkness, we find solace within Android
Used a dark shirt for my backdrop and a lamp for my lighting. Fun fact: the light used in yesterday'...
Day 13
Me Circa 2012
It's been so long. #evening #wednesday #january #tbw
Day 12
Setup until I reinstall Windows
My SOTD today, until tomorrow. #evening #monday #canon #laptop #hp #simple #january #blandpicture
Day 5
Time for school again
I've just been taking pictures of anything around my room that seems somewhat interesting. This watch was no exception. #afterno...
Day 8
Lazy day
Sometimes I just want to lay on the floor. #thursday #afternoon #canon #lazy #lamp #macro #january #hoodie
Day 11
Hard Day
This is just a Photoshop project for a class of mine. I had to Photoshop myself into a different image. Don't worry, that's just soda #aftern...
Day 1
Cheapo Microphone
I took this image because it was already late and I didn't want to miss day one of this project. #thursday #evening #canon #audio #j...
Day 2
I took a surplus of random images today. Here's one that I liked more then most of the others. #friday #afternoon #bokeh #macro #blur #janua...
Day 9
A late one
What do you drink when it's late? Ale81. #friday #evening #canon #macro #january #ale81 #soda
Day 7
Cash Money
Here's my nice, slim wallet I was gifted on my birthday last month. #evening #wednesday #canon #macro #january #swiss #topdown
Day 6
Re-upload. Image wouldn't process last time I tried uploading a few hours ago. #afternoon #tuesday #canon #macro #january #wasd #pc
Day 10
"Don't take a picture of me"
I don't follow orders. #afternoon #saturday #canon #january #sunbeam #godrays