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Hanna Gawrychowska

dog lover, cat lover, food connoisseur, book reader, breeder fish in the pond, stroller, budding amateur photographer, tax advisor ... I don't know who yet .... but at the end ... Hania
#9 207/365
1 streak
Day 2,479
na łące
Day 2,480
after the rain
and after the rain the sun rose
Day 2,481
after the rain
Day 2,482
foggy morning
my way to work #tree #mist #fog #foggy #foggymorning #mistymorning #way #road #village #country
Day 2,483
morning chillout
the lake was covered with fishermen #lake #sunrise #fisherman #chillout #colorful #theme-chillout
Day 2,484
butterflies are boring
summer, summer everywhere ... just summer time a my na porannym spacerze po porannej łące #walk #summer #summertime #butterfly...
Day 2,485
just snail
it's raining in my garden
Day 2,486
just snail
in my garden #snail #garden #ant-flower
Day 2,487
like butterfly
not in my garden #butterfly #summer #meadow #summertime
Day 2,488
Amber and the forest
#forest #wood #dog #hovawart #tree
Day 2,489
and heathers appeared in the forest - I think autumn is coming
Day 2,490
na łące
to jest chyba rok motyla ...
Day 2,491
the meadow
Day 2,492
na łące
Day 2,493
butterfly and spiderweb
butterfly and spiderweb - just summer is ending #theme-goodbye-summer
Day 2,494
by by summer
#theme-goodbye-summer #meadow
Day 2,495
the time of the butterflies continues
morning walk with Amber #light #butterfly #motyl #łąka #meadows #theme-goodbye-summer
Day 2,496
lato, lato i po lecie
#meadow #łąka #lato #summer #theme-goodbye-summer
Day 2,497
w drodze do pracy
my way to work nie mogłam sie powstrzymać gdy zobaczyłam te chmury to po prostu musiałam wysiąść zrobić tę fotkę #theme-goodbye-summ...
Day 2,498
just sunrise
jak cudnie obserwować przebudzenie dnia na morzem - ptasie wrzaski i słońce wychodzące zza horyzontu how wonderful to watch the day awake...
Day 2,499
just spiderweb
a my rano po łące sobie spacerowałyśmy
Day 2,500
foggy morning
Day 2,501
the last butterflies
na łące o poranku
Day 2,502
choc motyli coraz mniej to ślimaki zagościły w dużych ilosciach na 'naszej' łące