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Hanna Gawrychowska

dog lover, cat lover, food connoisseur, book reader, breeder fish in the pond, stroller, budding amateur photographer, tax advisor ... I don't know who yet .... but at the end ... Hania
#9 279/365
5 streak
Day 2,700
not in my garden
Day 2,701
Day 2,702
my Amber
Day 2,703
Day 2,704
look up
Day 2,705
Day 2,706
Day 2,707
Day 2,708
Day 2,709
Day 2,710
Day 2,711
Day 2,712
Day 2,713
Day 2,714
Day 2,715
Day 2,716
Day 2,717
ale jaja .... wielkanocne 😊😊😊
Day 2,718
Day 2,719
Day 2,720
Day 2,721
Day 2,722
Day 2,723