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Hanna Gawrychowska

dog lover, cat lover, food connoisseur, book reader, breeder fish in the pond, stroller, budding amateur photographer, tax advisor ... I don't know who yet .... but at the end ... Hania
#9 279/365
5 streak
Day 2,724
Day 2,725
Day 2,726
Day 2,727
Day 2,728
Day 2,729
and in the evening ...
Day 2,730
wiosna, wiosna
Day 2,731
on my way to work
Day 2,732
Day 2,733
on my way to work
Day 2,734
Day 2,735
Day 2,736
Day 2,737
Day 2,738
Day 2,739
Day 2,740
Day 2,741
Day 2,742
Day 2,743
Day 2,744
just butterfly
sezon na motyle fotki rozpoczęty ....
Day 2,745
na spacerze
Day 2,746
spring is here
Day 2,747