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One day at a time...
#10 274/365
3,559 streak
Day 3,550
In bed
Not feeling great
Day 3,551
Are red. Frustrating work day in Lausanne
Day 3,552
Nothing quite like going to the circus! Thanks J. for the invitation 😊
Day 3,553
The end of Summer
And the start of the indoor swimming season
Day 3,554
Red, white and blue
Shopping in France with Eva
Day 3,555
Basilique Notre-Dame
Popped into one of my favourite churches on the way to an exhibition
Day 3,556
Eva’s A-1. Tempted to find one for myself 😊
Day 3,557
Early start to the day
Day 3,558
Same spot, 37 hours later, different camera
Day 3,559
Dropping off a XP2 film to be developed