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#2 199/365
1 streak
Day 433
Day 434
Platform 5
Day 435
Ut queant laxis
Day 436
Bike ride
Day 437
Bike ride 2
Day 438
Park Sołacki
Snapped quickly after running.
Day 439
Day 440
Day 441
Fun with bike, lights, camera and maths. I'm pleased with the idea, less with the execution.
Day 442
Trust me, I'm an engineer
After a successful 365 project in 2017-18, I tried to give it another try last year and I failed miserably. To be honest, I...
Day 443
I took a quick 15-minute detour from my walk to a grocery store with a camera in my bag. It made me look at my surroundings in a totally dif...
Day 444
Pastoral visit
This one required some complex lighting setup (putting a desk lamp on a chair) and the most preprocessing I've done this year so far (a...
Day 445
Never stop learning
I got this little book from Secret Santa at work and started reading it today. It'll surely help me get the basics straight in my...
Day 446
Bush in a flowerpot
I spent a lot of time today working on a data science project for uni, which is a shame with such beautiful weather. No matter how...
Day 447
Leading lines
Last lazy day before my duties start for real...
Day 448
I didn't cook myself a proper meal for today, so for a quick lunch I grabbed this Georgian bread with cheese and spinach. I'll keep a recor...
Day 449
Compelling light at dawn today.
Day 450
Sheet music
Our choir is performing tomorrow :)
Day 451
Students & their choirs
Eight local choirs conducted by students from the Academy of Music performed at this concert of Christmas carols and we were t...
Day 452
Swimming pool
I've been planning to go swimming for a ridiculously long time, but today I finally got myself moving. It feels so good :)
Day 453
Architecture and geometry 8
Have I mentioned that it's my favourite minimalist series?
Day 454
Quick shot taken on my way home from cancelled classes :)
Day 455
Morning commute
Day 456
Sunset at the university
I got so many things done today! It seems that I've already passed three of my laboratory classes :)