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#2 199/365
1 streak
Day 457
No trespassing
Day 458
A long day at work. I'm so glad that I took this photo in the morning!
Day 459
I'm a fairly busy man, which is why I always try to improve my time management and productivity. A while ago I started to time-track every...
Day 460
Pretending to know about art
I had absolutely no idea what kind of photo I shall take today. But as I was taking a tram, I saw an advertisement inspir...
Day 461
Day 462
And then I looked up
Day 463
Anonymous animals
Getting ready for an exam tomorrow
Day 464
Under a tenement house
Day 465
Day 466
Day 467
Me, trying to focus on the important things
Day 468
Day 469
Day 470
Exam time
It's this time of year again
Day 471
Rainy day
Day 472
Absurdly minimalistic #theme-found-typography
Day 473
Homemade doughnuts
Day 474
Day 475
At the piano
Practising some harmonies after an eventful day. I'm getting better at reading music and I'm so happy about it!
Day 476
Day 477
In motion
I went running during a marvellous blue hour and only took a few blurry photos of the sky. The subject wasn't in motion, but I was 😏 #theme-...
Day 478
Last minute(ish)
Day 479
I played at a worship event for the first time today. It was challenging, but... see Philippians 4:13 :)
Day 480
Introducing Georgian cuisine to my family :)