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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 304/365
670 streak
Day 2,028
after and before the thunderstorm
Today we celebrated the end of mandatory school time of the godchild of my spouse.
Day 2,029
on and under stairs #theme-stairs
Day 2,030
Day 2,031
... or lazy double cat
Day 2,032
We went bathing and later bowling with our class. The day was planned in a completely different way, but since the weather forecast became worse...
Day 2,033
Day 2,035
Just the stairs in our house. #theme-stairs
Day 2,037
from my pupils. It's time to say goodbye again... 😔
Day 2,038
proud teacher
I had the honor to accompany these 20 wonderful young people for three years together with my fellow class teacher. We had great times t...
Day 2,039
A jogger dressed in the colors of the Swiss football team :-)
Day 2,041
Leebach. Using my sun glasses as NDF 😅
Day 2,044
... with new color filters. The ball and the table are white ;-) deep lavender and dark green
Day 2,045
white flower
more light filters: dark pink and dark green #theme-pastel
Day 2,046
memory of summer
... meanwhile outdoors it is more kind of autumn. #theme-pastel
Day 2,047
huge load
I remembered I had more white subjectives in my cupboard :-D #tiny-people #theme-pastel
Day 2,048
Mother and doughter. My godchild :-)
Day 2,049
she is there | we were at Môtiers 2021 - art en plein air today. It is an open air art exhibition and this lettering is referring to a scu...
Day 2,050
through the rainy night
Day 2,055
little fellow
We found this young kestrel hopping around and chirping and were not sure about what to do with him. He was not yet a good flyer, but no...
Day 2,061
Lagh da Saoseo
Beautifully colored lake with very clear water in a breathtaking alpine landscape!
Day 2,062
inside the camera
Walk-in-Camera Obscura on top of Bernina pass - a place that's connecting, but sometimes also separating people, languages spoken an...
Day 2,064
Val Lumnezia
The name of this valley means 'valley of light'. Hmmmmm.... maybe 'valley of clouds and rain' would match better fr the way we got to kno...
Day 2,065
The Swiss grand canyon
View down from ‚il spir‘ to the impressive Rhein gorge. The viewpoint is less touristy than the other attractions on todays exc...
Day 2,066
valley of fog
We remained at home long today, the weather was inviting just to sit around, read a book and wait until it‘s time to go to bed again 😅 i...