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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 304/365
670 streak
Day 2,101
I went to a jam session with this one today. That was fun!
Day 2,102
I missed a train. Then I decided to jump into the next bus and went to the Berner Rosengarten, a park with many roses and a magnificent view over...
Day 2,105
On Mettenberg. A few minutes later than yesterday, and already late generally... feels like autumn is coming!
Day 2,106
late summer evening
At a cozy pop up bar close to the river
Day 2,110
... is beautiful!
Day 2,111
wet hike
We checked out a (im)possible school trip for my class. Nice for us (well I think it is, but we didn't see much since it was foggy and even r...
Day 2,113
travelling at night...
... is gooood for processing pics. At least much better than when the sun is shining on the screen 😝
Day 2,115
cloud announcing autumn
Day 2,116
completely blurry
... but I like how dynamic the pic is!
Day 2,118
orange train
Day 2,119
summer vs autumn
Day 2,120
still #theme-goodbye-summer
Day 2,123
leftover of summer
Day 2,126
looks like filter
But today I used none, this lake has this natural color...!
Day 2,127
sun ball
Day 2,128
Day 2,129
train station zebra
Day 2,130
after a long day
We went on our school trip today - no tookapicable pics, pupils too recognizable... but this bokeh is lovely too?!
Day 2,132
forest passage
on a walk from Allmendingen to Ittigen
Day 2,134
up and down
Day 2,135
Stockhorn in clouds
Day 2,136
hungry monster
'eating' a part of the local forest because the place is needed for a new water reservoir.
Day 2,137
Day 2,138
art tree
by Not Vital on his castle, Chastè Tarasp. The letters on the tree say ‚the world much is too big to stay well in a single place‘ in Roman, t...