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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 304/365
670 streak
Day 2,139
Sunset at Steinsberg ruin
After the return from a nice hike with many lovely photos, but this one was just the one I like most! #theme-golden
Day 2,141
fashion for houses
In the Engiadina valley many old houses 'wear' the traditional sgraffitos, pictures carved into the layers of plaster on the wall....
Day 2,143
We came to this place because there are tame squirrels living there. The spotted nutcracker was much hungrier than the squirrels, he even c...
Day 2,144
This space is the 'heart' of the old Engiadinese house in which we stayed during our holidays. That room connects all other rooms on this f...
Day 2,145
harvest time
in the vineyard of a friend
Day 2,146
Day 2,147
golden afternoon
Day 2,148
on my way home
... from a great band rehearsal. We had some nice new ideas today!
Day 2,149
autumn bouquet
I bought it spontaneously on the market today
Day 2,150
commuter's foot
Day 2,151
Day 2,152
abstract (sunset)
Day 2,153
Day 2,155
on the way home
Day 2,157
illuminated by a street lamp
Day 2,158
a square under a square
Day 2,159
Day 2,161
After a long time during which we mainly walked around in our area we took out our mountain bikes and went on a bike trip to Mänziwilegg,...
Day 2,162
onesie nr. 2
for my godchild
Day 2,163
starlight express?
Day 2,164
Day 2,165
warm inside
cold outside
Day 2,167
worblaufen railway bridge
Day 2,170
of the cap I sewed for my little godchild #theme-mobile-photography