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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 304/365
670 streak
Day 2,169
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Day 2,171
Soon my 6th year here on Tookapic will be over. And Tookapic too, probably. I've been looking for an idea for some photos to exhibit in the teach...
Day 2,174
into the yellow
even though there's not much yellow left in our forests
Day 2,175
Bantiger antenna hidden in clouds
bad weather hike from Worb to Ittigen
Day 2,176
Day 2,177
colors of autumn
Day 2,178
drinking tea with my deer
Day 2,179
I tried to make a double exposure without a camera that is able to take double exposures. So I took about the first 5 seconds of the pic...
Day 2,180
Day 2,181
huge and dark
I spent half the day travelling to my brother and his family. And my godchild of course 😊 I took this pic during a stop (longer than pla...
Day 2,182
fooling around with my godchild
Day 2,184
on the way home
after a long weekend with my crazy funny little godchild
Day 2,185
a find in the waste paper collection
found this after in my classroom in the evening.
Day 2,187
Day 2,188
UFO launch pad
Day 2,189
first snow
on river aare
Day 2,191
Day 2,193
a new train in the crappy end of the old railway station
Day 2,197
This year I am allowed to do more lessons with my photo course at school and therefor I decided to include at least one darkroom lesson for e...
Day 2,201
my way to go to work is quite long, but on days like these it feels nice to travel through the snowy landscape in the morning!
Day 2,202
sweet stars
Spent the day at home making Christmas cookies, and one of my 6 Tookaposters #theme-slices-of-life
Day 2,203
We went to the winter wonderland light exhibition on Gurten mountain near Bern. Lots of kitsch, not sooooo well done in my eyes and difficult...
Day 2,204
Day 2,205
strange mood
There was fog here all day long. At sunset time it looked as if the sunset color was there even though no sunset was visible