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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 304/365
670 streak
Day 2,245
hiking from Burgistein to Thun
Day 2,246
after a band rehearsal
Day 2,247
Bern ❤️
Day 2,248
Day 2,250
bear crossing
Bearn ;-)
Day 2,251
After a ski afternoon
Day 2,252
cloud entering the valley
another day on skis
Day 2,253
this still life has to do with a special task I got today... do you guess what the task was? #theme-still-life
Day 2,255
a light
Day 2,259
storm aproaching
spectacular clouds
Day 2,263
night adventure
a sleigh ride at night
Day 2,264
some snowflakes this morning #theme-out-of-focus
Day 2,265
Grindelwald bokeh
Day 2,266
last day of winter holidays
sky as seen through my ski goggles 😎
Day 2,269
of music ;-) #pinhole-photography #saxophone #theme-metal
Day 2,270
new addiction?
I started to crochet bunnies 3 weeks ago and can't stop... already the bunny nr. 3 in production even though nr. 2 is not finished yet...
Day 2,271
such a strange sky!
I was not the only one who noticed the dramatic look of the clouds during sunset. I came across a woman with a dog, and when they...
Day 2,272
Day 2,275
Christmas flower... wait...?!
Day 2,274
Day 2,280
Viaduc de Grandfey
The railway bridge was originally built as a steel construction but had already then an included passage for pedestrians. In the 19...
Day 2,283
may be a bit overprocessed but I swear one shadow was blue and the other yellow! #standwithukraine #theme-freedom
Day 2,286
Afternoon on skis
Day 2,288
maybe the last session for me for this 'corona album' #theme-art