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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 295/365
661 streak
Day 1,153
1962: building roads for today's traffic!
They were oversized by then, but they're too small for nowaday's amount of traffic. Built with 4 lanes they...
Day 1,252
hiding or pushing?
I thought that she was moving the stone, but my boyfriend thinks she's hiding behind it. What do you think?
Day 1,329
St. Karin‘s church
Visby, medieval church with many church ruins #church #blue-sky #ruin
Day 1,375
hot keys
Yes. It's a piano. It was one... #concert #crazy #piano #fire #burning #flames
Day 1,395
teacher at the steering wheel
We went on a sailing tour with our pupils today. It was quite windy, and when the skipper asked me if I wanted to steer...
Day 1,398
Steingletscher (stone glacier)
seen from the Susten mountain road
Day 1,404
Lago di Lugano
We used the beautiful day for an excursion to Mount San Salvatore from where you have a unique 360-degrees-panoramic view. For me it is...
Day 1,430
hi there!
#chameleon #green #leaf #nature #rubber-toy
Day 1,506
Pasta. E basta!
#theme-tidy #food #pasta #shadow #five
Day 1,527
last clouds
After some snowfall last night. Not much snow, but enough to make it look like winter and to go skiing.
Day 1,570
teaching from home
It's different. But not bad. Had a group video meeting with my class today, which was quite funny. But of course many things are mu...
Day 1,617
playing with my shadow
... and the recorder. 8 holes for 8 tentacles means I couldn't take the pic myself for once. And it was an incredible confusion...
Day 1,645
Tasty green and red stuff
Do you think the red stuff will be good in risotto with the green stuff? Kind regards, Pulpo #theme-kitchen #the-pulpo-takeo...
Day 1,711
Thanks god it's still friday!
Last minute pic
Day 1,858
u turn
Hopefully this pic stands for the year 2021 - let's hope we can turn the wheel to a better direction and return to a more normal life, and hope...
Day 1,878
I found a magic mirror room 😃 #little-beetle
Day 1,879
at work
Day 1,970
hi frogs!
Construction site, day 22 - the preliminary end of the construction site series, since today the painter was here and corrected all the litt...
Day 2,228
football ufo landed on Monte Lema
What do you do if the gondola to one of your peferred mountains is not working because the season lasts only from ap...
Day 2,285
I bought this flower vase secondhand today. It's called Corona (sic!) and a Swiss design classic.
Day 2,287
Mittellegi hut
This is the former Mittellegi hut used as a sleeping place for alpinists climbing up Eiger mountain. A few years ago it was replaced an...
Day 2,299
es zentrum
Just funny if you understand Swiss German. And not even then. It's my turn now... F** virus!
Day 2,300
lonely isolation evening nr. 2
... but i feel very happy about having people thinking and caring about me, bringing food, drinks and a sweet bunny, se...
Day 2,314
cherry blossom
Compare to this! #theme-vernal