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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 305/365
671 streak
Day 2,513
Day 2,511
We're standing on the old wooden bridge that was replaced by the concrete bridge you can see. The 'new' bridge is also nearly 100 years old!
Day 2,510
in the counterlight
Walking through the forest with the intention of finding leaves for rustling. We did, obviously!
Day 2,509
light and shadow
at the Grindelwald light festival
Day 2,508
hidden gem
We discovered this ruin of an old mill which is very close to a hiking path we walked on several times before. It lies at a place where two...
Day 2,507
It doesn't happen too often that the doors of one of the beautiful backyards of the village are open so you can sneak and peek in!
Day 2,506
attention cacti falling!
This place looks like it could not be in Switzerland. But actually it is!
Day 2,505
cozy garden
Monteggio sunset 🧡
Day 2,504
lonely walk
Even more lonely when it's foggy!
Day 2,503
Day 2,560
A lonely crowing crow sitting on a power pole waiting for some other crow to crow with!
Day 2,561
the cloud
Day 2,562
a rare phenomenon recently!
Day 2,563
bear girl
flying? astronaut?
Day 2,564
of a Christmas star
Day 2,565
first snow
long day
Day 2,567
Schwarzkopf means blackhead. Today it was not black at all 😄
Day 2,569
shining through our frozen roof window
Day 2,568
the pic of today was taken 'tomorrow' due to forgotten summer time on my camera :-( I noticed it only when I wanted to upload a pic I really took...
Day 2,570
one day too late
...for Saint Lucy's day. This day is celebrated in Sweden on December 13 and the celebration at the university early in the morning i...
Day 2,571
sound and light
...but no photo
Day 2,573
It was not so cold today - at least if you looked at the thermometer, but it felt quite cold to me. That's why I processed this pic with my 'cold'...
Day 2,574
Christmas tram
We went to Zurich to see the exhibition of Niki de St. Phalle at the Kunsthaus and on the way back to the train station we saw this kit...
Day 2,575
On the way back home from an evening with E.