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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 306/365
672 streak
Day 2,659
The alps 2
Day 2,660
worbla 14
Day 2,661
Day 2,662
train ride
Day 2,663
wrapped tree
Day 2,664
A day in Bern with D. 😃
Day 2,666
Day 2,667
Day 2,668
forest stairs
Day 2,669
me and myself
Day 2,670
Day 2,672
spring flowers
Day 2,673
Day 2,674
second winter?!
... in spring
Day 2,675
daffodils in the forest
it was the only pic I took yesterday and I saw that it was completely out of focus only by now.
Day 2,676
on the way home after a day at school
Day 2,677
... meanwhile in the alleys of Bern...
A shopping, eating and talking day with my mother :-)
Day 2,679
Day 2,680
Day 2,681
building site in a narrow street
Day 2,682
cherry blossom
Day 2,683
no swinging
Day 2,684
Day 2,685
Bert the Bird
Dad and I found Bert lying on the forest floor during a short walk