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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 296/365
662 streak
Day 1,718
self portrait
Day 1,731
yeah... in the forest again!
My covid-test was negative - so after a mini-quarantine of three and a half days I'm free again :-)
Day 1,735
weather forecast
... probably true... #theme-weather inspired by @agacper
Day 1,821
it's real...
but it looks like a painting! ... and I see a triangle between the trees. And three smaller triangles in the background. #theme-triangles
Day 1,822
foggy tree
I think I take this pic every year :-P
Day 1,823
light cone
Day 1,857
a little pig on its way to 2021
I wish you all the best for the new year!!
Day 1,896
traces in the fresh snow
the world from the point of view of #little-beetle #theme-brands #vw1300 #volkswagen
Day 1,936
out in the pre-spring-forest
the world from the point of view of #little-beetle
Day 1,939
this was our kitchen
construction site, day 1 strange feeling to come home to an apartment with a 'tent' in it 🤔 and a construction site inside the te...
Day 2,036
what's happening?!
Hopp Schwiiz!
Day 2,096
glowing branch
a walk in the evening light
Day 2,114
Can you see what I see?
Day 2,117
Mich Gerber
Outdoor concert of the lonely bass player at the night of the museums
Day 2,133
the place
This is an art piece by Heinz Brand - he constructed a 1:1-model of a isolation cell in a prison near Bern, Thorberg, but without walls. Str...
Day 2,140
Hike from S-charl to Süsom Givè
It is great to hike through a landscape that seems to be so far away from everything that it feels like you‘re the fir...
Day 2,166
school building
The double helix shaped stairs are an unusual construction since in the volume under every 'normal' stair there is an escape stair #th...
Day 2,186
one and a half years later | the last one
one and a half years later | the last one Scheissidee | crap idea
Day 2,241
...the mad coffee machine 😅 #theme-wtf
Day 2,244
Turtles riding bikes must drive slowly!
Langsam = slow. Or does it mean that turtles on bikes are slow? Or that we need to walk slowly so turtles on b...
Day 2,304
finally finished!
The Little Beetle Project - I made a movie with all my Little-Beetle-Photos I took about one year ago! :-) It can be found on Instag...
Day 2,320
on my phone
I do appreciate having detailed maps on my iPhone. Somehow 😅@tigg
Day 2,407
colors on grey
#leaves #summer #nature #concrete
Day 2,413
summer flowers in fog
#brienzer-rothorn #swiss-alps #flowers