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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 298/365
664 streak
Day 1,680
color contrast
in front of a garage door with parallel lines :-) #theme-parallel
Day 1,681
parallel clouds
Even the clouds are trying their best to match the weekly theme. Does this count? #theme-parallel
Day 1,684
Monet's rock
Etretat, Pont d‘ Aval. Many tourists in this beautiful place... how must it be in ‚normal‘ times?!
Day 1,686
tacky monument or not?
Today we visited Ste-Mère-Eglise, another place where important historic events of the D-day happened. One guy, John Steele, re...
Day 1,689
We passed an awesome evening on Mount St. Michel! This is really a must-see in Normandy, eben if you want to avoid masses of tourist...
Day 1,690
caused by the tidal power plant of Saint-Malo, where the difference between the high and low tide is amongst the biggest of the world (today 'on...
Day 1,698
dedicated to @radsatz since one of the last pics you uploaded was one of hydrangea. Where are you? I hope you‘re fine!!
Day 1,714
Sunflower at night
Day 1,719
Oberer Grindelwaldgletscher
The remains of what used to be a huge glacier that was even menacing parts of the village of Grindelwald only one century...
Day 1,725
anybody here?
Day 1,729
tiny clothes
To keep my little godchild warm - it will be born in october but its first overall is already half finished :-)
Day 1,736
weather forecast 2
Yesterday we went to our first concert since the lockdown. It was a very special one taking place on a small ferry on the river Aar...
Day 1,740
weather forecast 6
I am flying! I am a bird! At least today, at the exhibition at Vogelwarte Sempach, the Swiss Ornithological Institute in Sempach. #...
Day 1,743
Day 1,771
at the Swiss open-air museum Ballenberg
Day 1,784
train journey
Day 1,789
I was visiting my little godchild this weekend. She is so small! And so sweet!
Day 1,810
a tree and its shadow
Day 1,814
ray of sun
in the deep forest shortly before sunset
Day 1,817
(river loop of the Aare river)
Day 1,859
other Ticino winter weather
Or: more normal Ticino winter weather than snow: rain. And fog.
Day 1,873
Day 1,876
sniff, sniff
Today I am exploring the kitchen! #little-beetle
Day 1,880