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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 299/365
665 streak
Day 1,436
chameleon tarning
what's wrong?
Day 1,447
take care! II
little chameleon playing with fire
Day 1,472
bye-bye, little mandarine train! I
After 45 years in use for RBS, the last two of these very reliable trains (called 'Mandarinli' by the people) are o...
Day 1,485
Little camera again!
Finally it's Christmas and look what I found under the tree 😊 It's the end of that smartphone series 🤪
Day 1,495
Back to Bern
Day 1,523
Eiger with the light of Mittellegi hut
Day 1,569
Hey, somebody forgot the camera in the fridge!
#theme-at-home #my-pandemic-fridge
Day 1,587
The Pulpo Takeover, day 12 🐙 @bartosz_bizanski your advice on pic was not good! It did not work! 😠
Day 1,588
Caught her!
The Pulpo Takeover, day 13 🐙 @bartosz_bizanski, I don't have teeth! And we were already in the bathroom, so couldn't lock myself in. But I...
Day 1,589
I caught the easter bunny!
The Pulpo Takeover, day 14 🐙 #theme-pink
Day 1,591
nom nom... a bit better.
The Pulpo Takeover, day 16 🐙 @bartosz_bizanski suggested me to try some ketchup with the easter bunny since it was tasteless...
Day 1,605
Another sunset walk looking for some not-yet walked paths in our surroundings 😆
Day 1,622
curious donkeys
I'm not sure if they wanted to eat my camera (maybe they like cameraclette too? - still one of my p...
Day 1,629
schöne grüne Aare
Day 1,633
We decided to make a short vacation in the Rheinfall area until sunday. After dinner we walked to the impressive waterfall and reached it sh...
Day 1,657
#architecture #doors #relief #sandstone #unicorn #lady #woman #graffiti #entrance
Day 1,678
sweet and funny
These little ones and their two siblings are growing up next to our house in Grindelwald 😻
Day 1,732
rainy evening
Day 1,746
should I stay or should I go?
#theme-fruit #fruits-with-eyes
Day 1,759
bye-bye little Sheep
Well, no, it is of course hanging on my keychain again after its little excursion in a work of one of my pupils!
Day 1,763
I feel observed
by this little firefighter
Day 1,776
Daily routine
To me, Tookapic is the reason to take at least one pic a day. It is as much part of my daily routine as brushing my teeth is. I think To...
Day 1,798
... to all those who are (were) standing up for their rights in Poland! #theme-letters
Day 1,856
We made a wonderful walk through the melting snow (this fact was not so wonderful). First I wondered why the mayor of Sessa didn't establish a v...